ESG Information Index
Information on the Daiwa Securities Group is organized from the perspective of ESG surveys and other research.
General Management
Message from Management | |
Corporate Philosophy and Code of Conduct | |
Sustainability as a Management Strategy | |
Participation in Initiatives | |
External Evaluations | |
Independent Assurance |
Initiatives through Business Activities
(To achieve Sustainability)
Thinking in the Securities Business | |
How to think about investing | |
Responsibility to customers and customer satisfaction | |
Develop and Provide Products | |
Inclusion (Financial Inclusion, etc.) | |
Analysis and Recommendations for Economic, Social and Investment Information | |
Investing in Businesses that Solve Social Problems | |
Environmental Management | |
Efforts and Achievements in Reducing Environmental Impact | |
Employment and Working Environment | |
Diversity & Inclusion | |
Employee Satisfaction | |
Internal Communication | |
Labor-Management Dialogue | |
Human Resource Development and Capability Development | |
Human Rights | |
Health Management and Occupational Safety and Health | |
Financial Education | |
Social Contribution Activities and Corporate Citizenship Activities | |
Corporate Governance | |
Tax Corporate Governance | |
Whistleblowing | |
Risk Management | |
Supply Chain Management | |
Compliance | |
Prevention of Money Laundering, etc. | |
Anticorruption | |
IT Governance Structure | |
Information Security | |
Information Disclosure |
External Evaluation
Third-Party Evaluations | |
Independent Assurance |