Health Management

Declaration on Health Management (Approaches and Policy)

Included in the Group's Corporate Principles is "placing importance on personnel." Based on the idea that the source of the Group's competitiveness lies in the capabilities of its employees, we seek to raise productivity by enhancing employees' well-being* and to maintain high performance as an organization in the future. To this end, we are undertaking strategic measures to promote heath management.

  • *Well-being: good physical, mental, and social condition

Promotion System

The Group appointed the executive in charge of human resources as Chief Health Officer (CHO) to promote health management. Executives from each Group company are also actively involved in the promotion. The Group issues a "White Book on Health" annually that analyzes the health status of all Group executives and employees. We also identify issues, and evaluate and improve our initiatives at a Group-wide "Promote Health Management Meeting*" chaired by the CHO which is held every quarter, thereby implementing the PDCA cycle for health management. We have been selected as a "Health & Productivity Stock," which is jointly organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, for nine consecutive years since 2015 and selected as "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (White 500)" by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi eight times.

  • *Held with the participation of executives in charge of human resources at Group companies as well as the employee unions and the Health Insurance Society
Promotion System

Also, the Human Resources Department, General Health Development Centers (infirmaries), and Health Insurance Society closely cooperate and work together. The three parties collaborate with each other, planning and disseminating health measures, and have increased the effectiveness of such measures by exchanging opinions on a daily basis.

History so far

  Main achievements External Evaluations
  • Started specific counseling guidance (metabolic syndrome guidance)
  • The Human Resources Department, General Health Development Center, and Human Resources Department started working together to promote health
  • Introduced a system for checking past health checkup results and various health information online
  • Started following-up with persons with possible medical issues with the "yellow paper" system
FY2010 Started walking and quit smoking challenges  
FY2011 Started "Eating to 80% full" (Harahachi) campaign  
FY2012 Started Red Case Support Program (for severely ill persons)  
FY2013   Received the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare "Extending Healthy Life Expectancy Award"
FY2014 Our Group's efforts were published in the " Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare White Paper"
  • Started point incentive *
    • *Points are given to self-help efforts for employee health promotion.
      When the points reach a certain level, it is reflected in the employee's salary after age 55
  • Appointed Human Resources Officer of Daiwa Securities Group Inc. to "Chief Health Officer (CHO)"
  • Implementation of "Promote Health Management Meetings"
  • Established "Health Management Promotion Section" in the Human Resources Department of Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
  • Issued "Daiwa Securities Group White Book on Health"
FY2016 KA-RA-DA iki-iki Project Introduction
  • Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare-commissioned project "Cancer Measures Promotion Company Action"
    Received the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Award for companies promoting cancer control
FY2017 Introduced Employment Support Plan for Employees with Cancer
FY2018 Introduced Daiwa ELLE Plan
  • Introduced a new health checkup plan (a system that allows people to have a cancer checkup together with their regular health checkup, specific counseling guidance using ICT, online health consultation by a doctor)
  • Started health promotion measures for young customers (fitness app, counseling guidance for people in their 20s and 30s)
FY2020 Introduced Daiwa Online Care
  • Mindfulness Training for New Employees in Cooperation with Keio University
  • Introduced smoking cessation during working hours
  • Launched Good Sleep Daiwa to improve sleep literacy and skills
  • Started subsidizing the cost of dental checkups
  • Assigned gynecologists to General Health Development Centers
Selected as "Health & Productivity Stock 2024" and "Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (White 500)"


To measure the improvement of productivity through health management, we use presenteeism*1 and absenteeism*2 as indicators.

Indicator Target (FY2030)
Percentage of loss from presenteeism Less than 10.0%
Average of absenteeism 3.0 days or less
  • *1The state of the employee's work execution ability and productivity declining as a result of coming to work while suffering from some disease or symptom. Calculated by conducting a survey in which employees evaluate their own work in the past four weeks with the work they can perform when having no illness or injury set at 100%. The smaller the value, the higher their productivity.
  • *2The state of being absent or on leave due to illness. Calculated by conducting a survey that asks how many days employees were absent due to illness in the past one year. The fewer the days, the higher their productivity.

Various Health Measures, Their Effects, and Connections with Management Goals Pursued in Health Management (Strategy Map)

Health issues

As the obesity rate tends to increase with age, it is necessary to increase health awareness when people are still young. The younger generation, in particular, has lifestyle issues, such as a high smoking rate in men and upward trends in the rate of skipping breakfast observed in both men and women. This suggests that measures to maintain a proper lifestyle are important, along with obesity measures.
As for the risk of lifestyle-related disease, the number of people with the level of risk requiring specific counseling guidance is trending upward gradually both in men and women.

Key area Health issue
Lifestyle Decreasing employees with health risk (obesity and high blood pressure, in particular) and establishing a healthy lifestyle (smoking, exercise, eating habits, better quality of sleep, etc.)
Younger generation Improving the health awareness and health literacy of the younger generation
Women Addressing health issues specific to women, increasing opportunities for women's advancement
Cancer Early detection and early treatment of cancer, support for balancing work and cancer treatment
Mental health Acquiring stress handling skills, early detection of mental health problems

Examples of Major Initiatives and Results of Initiatives

Increased Use of Daiwa Online Care

We offer "Daiwa Online Care," an online healthcare service that is available nationwide, and the use of the service is expanding. The number of online consultations provided per year exceeded 1,000 with increasing use of the service particularly from branches across Japan.
Daiwa Online Care provides consultation on health checkup results and mental health, and smoking cessation outpatient care, in addition to ordinary healthcare. (Costs to be borne are healthcare service fees and medication costs only.) Gynecological care commenced in April 2023.

Daiwa ELLE Plan +

Women have various health issues depending on their life stage, and the national government encourages men and women to deepen their understanding of each other's health issues associated with gender differences, while promoting health support that takes gender differences into account. Against this background, we have provided women's menopause support, established ELLE leave (leave for menstrual/menopausal conditions or infertility treatment), improved employee health literacy, and enhanced support for balancing work and infertility treatment. As a result, various effects have been shown, such as improved productivity, reduction in the rate of employee turnover due to infertility treatment, and increase in women in managerial positions.

  • *Newly added measures are shown in red.
  • *The number of days off taken under the ELLE leave system totaled 4,868 in FY2023.

Continuous Improvement in Female Cancer Screening Rate

Since FY2019, cancer screenings have been integrated into the regular health checkup items, resulting in a substantial improvement in the screening rate. The proportion of female employees receiving the most recent cervical cancer screening and breast cancer screening exceeds 80% for both types of screening.

Trends in female cancer screening rate (younger than age 35)

  • (Source)Daiwa Institute of Research
  • Note:The survey was conducted on all female workers affiliated with the Group.

Upward Trend in Younger Generation with Exercise Habits

The proportion of young employees (in their 20s and 30s) with exercise habits is consistently increasing, for both men and women. The upward trend continued even during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and we consider this to be due to Beatfit*1, a fitness app introduced in 2019, helping to attract employees who were not in the habit of exercising.
We also urge employees to participate in KA-RA-DA iki-iki Project*2 and continue to enhance their awareness of healthy lifestyles.

  • *1Users in their 20s and 30s account for nearly 50% of the accumulated total new users since the start of the service in FY2019.
  • *2The amount of investment in KA-RA-DA iki-iki Project is approximately ¥1.60 million. In a survey of participants, 27% of the respondents answered that they were "very satisfied" and 55% "satisfied."

Proportion of employees with exercise habits

  • (Source)Daiwa Institute of Research
  • Note:Subjects were employees when registered. The percentage of respondents who answered in the interview sheet that they "are in the habit of exercising sufficiently to sweat lightly for over 30 minutes a time, at least 2 times a week, for over a year "

Expansion of Mental Health Support (Mindfulness Training)

Generally, employees in their first and second years are more likely to feel stress under a new environment. We have therefore introduced Mindfulness Training for new employees as an initiative for mental health. The training is provided in collaboration with psychiatrists from Keio University School of Medicine and customized to the Group.

  • *MBCT program: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Initiatives to Support Health Management at Other Companies

Within our Daiwa Group, Daiwa Institute of Research provides mission-critical business systems and data analysis services to health insurance associations nationwide, and holds the largest market share in the industry. In the "Third Data Health Plan" that started in FY2024, we are providing PDCA monitoring support for health services, using data analysis results that comply with the group of indicators specified by the government. For "Collabo-health" with business owners, which is of increasing importance, we have an enhanced lineup of services, including supporting business owners with reports and collaboration meetings. In addition, we have independently developed an "Employee Well-Being" tool that assesses the health and well-being of employees and provides reports to our corporate clients. By using this service, our clients can understand issues in their health and productivity management and human capital management. Through these health data analyses, we contribute to the enrichment of employees' lives and sustainable corporate activities.

External Evaluations

  • *We explain the Group's health management initiatives to business partners who have made inquiries.

Other related data

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Obesity rate (30s)*1 Men 25.5% 25.7% 26.2%
Women 9.3% 9.9% 9.6%
Smoking rate Men 28.7% 27.1% 27.3%
Women 6.6% 6.2% 6.2%
Exercise habits rate (20s) Men 27.8% 28.5% 29.9%
Women 16.2% 16.9% 19.2%
(30s) Men 23.1% 23.8% 24.3%
Women 12.0% 13.7% 13.2%
Proportion of employees taking enough rest through sleep 69.2% 67.9% 65.8%
Percentage of loss from presenteeism*2 15.2% 12.6% 13.9%
Average of absenteeism*2 3.4 days 3.1 days 3.9 days
Engagement survey*3 81% 79% 80%
Work Motivation Survey*4 Work 3.3 - -
Organization 3.3 - -
Colleagues 3.3 - -
Growth / Career advancement 3.3 - -
Compensation 3.1 - -
Female ratio in managerial positions (consolidated) 15.1% 16.9% 18.4%
(Daiwa Securities alone)*5 18.3% 19.9% 21.1%
Stress check rate 91.8% 91.3% 93.1%
Ratio of employees with high stress 10.2% 11.2% 10.0%
Regular health checkup rate 100% 100% 100%
Medical institution attendance rate for employees with problematic results in regular health checkups 82.2% 82.9% 82.2%
  • *1Target: Reduce the obesity rate for employees in their 30s by 30% from FY2018 by 2024 (men 20%, women 8%). From FY2021, the target was changed from the obesity rate at age 35 to the obesity rate for employees in their 30s.
  • *2A total of 12,726 employees responded to the survey for FY2023 (with the response rate reaching 100%). The average of absenteeism was calculated by including absence from illness and injuries in the target.
  • *3Sustainable engagement implies employees' great commitment to making contributions to the achievement of the organizational targets and strong sense of belonging to their organizations, which can be maintained in a productive working environment and on the precondition that the employees are healthy both physically and mentally. According to Towers Watson, companies with high scores in terms of sustainable engagement tend to exceed the industry's average growth rate in their business. The awareness survey started to be conducted for Daiwa Securities alone in FY2021 and has been conducted on a group-wide basis since FY2022. (The figures are for the surveys conducted in the latter half of the fiscal year, respectively). To the survey conducted in the latter half of FY2022, 12,490 employees replied, and the response rate reached 93%. The figures were provided by the survey partner Towers Watson.
  • *4Ended in FY2021.
  • *5Target: At least 25% by 2025.
  • *We hold safety and health committee meetings with the participation of the employee unions. For FY2023, we had a total of 48 occupational and commuting incidents (such as minor injuries).