Message from Management

Akihiko Ogino; President and CEO of Daiwa Securities Group Inc.

Daiwa Securities Group has revised its medium- to long-term management vision, Vision 2030, modifying its core concept for 2030 to "Creating a prosperous future through financial and capital markets" in April 2024. At the same time, the Daiwa Securities Group embarked on its new Medium-Term Management Plan "Passion for the Best" 2026 from FY2024. The basic Group management policy under the Plan is to "Maximize the value of customer assets". Guided by this policy, we will help maximize the asset and corporate value of customers over the medium to long term in each of our business domains by gaining a deep understanding of customers' needs and issues, and providing optimal high-quality solutions in line with customers' prevailing circumstances and the economic environment.

The dividend payment reached a historic high of 28 yen per share for the first half of FY2024, with a consolidated payout ratio of 50.6%. Against the backdrop of enhancing business stability by transitioning to a wealth management business model and diversifying a business portfolio that stands well to changes in capital market trends, we have set a minimum annual dividend of 44 yen per share for the period of the current mid-term plan.

In the era of 100 years of life, the Daiwa Securities Group will provide high-quality solutions as financial and capital markets professionals, promote innovation both within and outside the Group, and help realize a prosperous future for society through our contributions to a decarbonized society.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to our shareholders for your continued support.

December 2024
Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
President and CEO,

Akihiko Ogino