Stakeholder Engagement

Daiwa Securities Group recognizes that, as a company, it has an important mission not only to resolve social issues, but also to grasp what social issues need to be addressed.
In light of the rapid changes in the economy and society in recent years, social issues are also expected to change with the times. We place importance on dialogue as a part of engagement with various stakeholders as a method of continuing to grasp such changing social issues. Through our business, we will resolve social issues identified by active engagement with a broad range of stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, investors, investees, local communities, and NPOs, in pursuit of balancing social values and economic values.

Basic Policy on Stakeholder Engagement

  1. (1)Daiwa Securities Group will strive to engage with a broad range of stakeholders based on ISO 26000 and the Charter of Corporate Behavior of the Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation).
  2. (2)The Group will strive to deepen engagement with stakeholders already known to us, including customers, shareholders and other investors, investees, business partners, employees and local communities.
  3. (3)The Group will strive to actively communicate and engage with third-party institutions, organizations, and individuals, etc. with whom we have previously had no contact in order to identify other stakeholders.
Stakeholders Method of Engagement Main Contact Points Relevant Web Pages
Customers Investors We strive to improve customer, satisfaction by providing products and services that meet the needs and risk tolerance of individual investors, institutional investors, and potential investors who are considering investing. Wealth Management Division
Contact Center
Customer Support Center
Global Markets & Investment Banking Division
Issuers We propose optimal financing methods among from a wide range of methods to corporations, public organizations, and others seeking to raise funds through the issuance of stocks and bonds, and provide total support for their financing from formulation of plans to execution.
Society Investees As an institutional investor, we strive to maintain active communication, including engagement with investee companies. Asset Management Division
Wealth Management Division
Retail Division
Global Markets & Investment Banking Division
Risk Management Department
General Affairs Department

Sustainability Promotion Department
Daiwa Securities Foundation
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
Corporate Communication Department
Business partners We maintain fair relationships with all our business partners, including suppliers, and collaborate with them in order to create a sustainable society.
Government We comply with the Daiwa Securities Group Tax Policy, fulfill our tax obligations and disclose the amount of tax paid in each country. We also present policy recommendations in order to create a better society.
When making political contributions, we comply with internal regulations and all relevant laws and regulations, and we properly disclose the amount of contributions.
NPOs/NGOs We collaborate with NPOs/NGOs in economic and financial education and disaster relief assistance. We also incorporate the perspective of resolving social issues in our business strategies through active dialogue with them.
Local communities As a member of the local communities where Daiwa Securities Group's head and branch offices and overseas subsidiaries are located, we engage in community-based activities.
Employees Employees and their families We create an environment in which employees, who provide added value for all stakeholders, are able to feel motivated to work and demonstrate their abilities and enthusiasm, and we strive to improve employee satisfaction. Families of employees are also our important stakeholders. Human resources Department
Corporate communication Department
Sustainability Promotion Department
Shareholders and others Shareholders and others(*) We endeavor to be transparent in our disclosure of information and to meet the expectations of shareholders and others through the sustainable improvement of corporate value.
  • (*) Including investors in bonds issued by Daiwa Securities Group
Investor Relations Office, Corporate Planning Department

Engagement through participation in initiatives

Daiwa Securities Group actively participates in, signs, and supports various initiatives in Japan and overseas, and in addition to utilizing their standards, we also encourage society through engagement.