Green Finance

Until now, Daiwa Securities Group has sold various kinds of SDG bonds in Japan (including conventional Impact Investment bonds), thereby supporting the solving of social issues from the standpoint of a financial institution. In November 2018, Daiwa Securities Group Inc. issued its first Green Bonds, expanding its initiatives aimed at invigorating markets. The Group will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and provide investors with new investment opportunities.

Green Finance Framework

Daiwa Securities Group Inc. has established Green Finance Framework (hereinafter referred to as the "Framework") based on the Green Bond Principles 2021 established by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), the Green Bond Guidelines (2022) and Green Loan Guidelines (2022) set by the Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, and the Green Loan Principles 2023 set by the Loan Market Association (LMA), the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA), and the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA).
Additionally, the Framework has obtained evaluation from Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd., a third-party certification agency.

Green Bond

The proceeds from the Green Bonds have been used as investment and loan funds for renewable energy generation projects, as well as facility funds for Green Buildings.

Green Bond Issuance Record (Daiwa Securities Group Inc.)

Title Issue Date Issue Amount Maturity Date Allocation of Proceeds Environmental Impact
32nd Unsecured Corporate Bond November 29, 2018 JPY 10 billion November 29, 2023
44th Unsecured Corporate Bond February 27, 2024 JPY 10 billion February 26, 2027 -
  • *The Green Bond Framework for the 32nd Unsecured Corporate Bond issuance has obtained evaluation from Sustainalytics, a third-party certification agency.

Initiatives by Group Companies

Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.

Daiwa Next Bank, Ltd.

Daiwa Energy & Infrastructure Co. Ltd.

Daiwa Office Investment Corporation(managed by Daiwa Real Estate Asset Management)