5. Metrics and Targets
(1) Metrics and Targets
The Group set metrics and targets to assess its performance on climate-related risks and opportunities.
In FY2024, we announced new sustainability KPIs as part of our Medium-term Management Plan.
Climate-related Metrics and Targets
Metric (the Group KPI) | Division | Target |
SDGs-related bond league table | Global Investment Banking Division |
In top 2 (FY2026) |
GHG emissions within our own operations* |
Consolidated | Net zero (FY2030) |
GHG emissions within our investment and loan portfolio* |
Consolidated | 186~255 g-CO2/kWh (FY2030) |
- *Our own GHG emissions is the total of Scope1 and Scope2. GHG emissions for our investment financing portfolio indicates project financing in the electricity sector. Includes some estimated figures
Metric (Others Sustainability KPIs) |
Ranking of GX Transition Bond Primary Dealer Bids |
ESG Investment balance |
Sustainability-related investment balance |
Green building certification ratio |
Renewable energy switching rate for offices and data centers |
Carbon-related asset balance |
(2) GHG Emissions (Scope1 and Scope2 and Scope3)
Under the Daiwa Securities Group Net Zero Carbon Declaration, the Group aims to achieve net zero GHG emissions within our own operations by FY2030 (Scope1 and Scope2). We monitor GHG emissions every year to achieve these targets.
For our measurement approach, please refer to Appendix 1. Scope of Aggregation and Calculation Method for GHG Emissions.
GHG Emissions (FY2023)
Category | FY2023* | |
Scope1 | 926 | |
Scope2 | Market-based | 8,632 |
Location-based | 25,718 |
Category | FY2023* | |
Scope3 | Category6 Business travels | 957 |
Category7 Commuting | 1,848 | |
Category8 Leased cars | 1,537 |
- *Third-party assurance will be obtained in August 2024 (excluding Scope2 location-based emissions).
GHG Emissions within Our Investment and Loan Portfolios
In FY2023, to lay out a concrete path toward our goal of "Net zero GHG emissions within our investment and loan portfolios, etc. by 2050 (Scope3)" set forth in the declaration, we set intermediate targets for FY2030 for project finance in the power generation sector, which currently accounts for the largest proportion of emissions in our own investment and loan portfolios. This target was set through resolutions by the Executive Management Committee and the Board of Directors.
■ Measurement of Actual Values in FY2022
Regarding GHG emissions in FY2022, we conducted measurements for the following 10 high-emitting sectors and asset classes that are subject to calculation by PCAF.
Measurement Scope
Power generation, transport, real estate, automobile manufacturing, coal, oil and gas, steel, cement, agriculture, aluminum
Asset Classes:
Listed equity, unlisted equity, corporate bonds, commercial real estate, business loans, project finance
- *Scope 1 and 2 for the investees of Daiwa Securities Group Inc., the assets (own holdings, excluding unlisted stocks via funds) managed by the Asset Management Division, and companies managed by Daiwa Next Bank, Ltd.
- *Not applicable for commercial real estate and business loans. In addition, for other asset classes, if there is no subject, a hyphen will be displayed, and if the number will be rounded down, 0 will be displayed.
- *Some estimates are based on the PCAF Database (excluding subjects that cannot be referenced in the Database)
FY2022 Actual Values
Listed Equity (include REIT) |
Unlisted Equity (include REIT) |
Corporate Bond | Project Finance | Total | |
Power generation | 33,113 | 0 | 28,420 | 409,667 | 471,200 |
Transport | 28,629 | 0 | 0 | - | 28,629 |
Real estate | 12,400 | 5,539 | 0 | - | 17,939 |
Automobile manufacturing | 701 | - | 1,925 | - | 2,626 |
Coal | 67 | - | - | - | 67 |
Oil and gas | 61 | - | 0 | - | 62 |
Steel | 4 | - | 0 | - | 4 |
Cement | 1 | - | - | - | 1 |
Agriculture | 1 | - | 0 | - | 1 |
Aluminum | 0 | - | - | - | 0 |
Total | 74,978 | 5,539 | 30,344 | 409,667 | 520,529 |
■ Setting Interim Target
First, we set an FY2030 target for project finance in the power generation sector, which currently accounts for the largest proportion of emissions within our investment and loan portfolios. We will continue to consider setting targets, starting with high priority sectors.
Since it is necessary to support the increasing demand for electricity while promoting clean energy at the same time, we used the emission intensity (emissions per amount of electricity generated), which indicates GHG emission efficiency, as a measurement index. The target was set within a range based on the IEA's NZE and APS scenarios, which is well below the Paris Agreement's 2°C target and consistent with the 1.5°C target.
Going forward, we will strengthen engagement with clients and provide financing for renewable energy to achieve the medium-term target in FY2030 and net zero in 2050. For detail, please refer to Measures to achieve net zero GHG Emissions within Our Investment and Loan portfolios.
GHG Emissions from Project Finance in the Power Generation Sector (Scope1)
FY2022 actual values* | |
Total emissions | 409,667 t-CO2 |
Emission intensity (g-CO2/kWh) | 379 g-CO2/kWh |
PCAF score | Average PCAF score 2.73 |
Intermediate target value for FY2030 | |
Metric | Emission intensity (g-CO2/kWh) |
Target value | 186~255 g-CO2/kWh |
Reference scenarios | IEA NZE・APS |
- *Some calculations are based on estimated values.
(3) Carbon-related Assets
With the transition to a carbon-neutral society, carbon-related assets with high GHG emissions risk significantly losing value and may also pose reputational risks if retained. Scenario analysis results indicate that climate-related risks could affect our carbon-related assets in the medium to long term. Therefore, as an indicator of assets vulnerable to climate-related transition risks, we disclose the amount of our carbon-related assets based on the TCFD recommendations' supplemental guidance definition.
This time, we expanded the scope to include our consolidated subsidiaries in investments and equity holdings, with a total amount of approximately 560 billion yen as of the end of FY2023.
We will review these results and work towards reducing carbon-related assets, particularly those with high risk, over the medium to long term.
Breakdown of Carbon-related Assets
Category | Investment and Capital | Daiwa Next Bank CLO |
Daiwa Securities LMS |
Total |
Energy | 9% | 4% | 0% | 14% |
Transportation | 1% | 6% | 1% | 8% |
Materials and Construction | 50% | 21% | 1% | 72% |
Agriculture, Food, and Forestry | 0% | 5% | 0% | 6% |
Total | 61% | 37% | 2% | 100% |
- *1Scope: Investment and capital, Daiwa Next Bank CLO, and Daiwa Securities LMS.
- *2Water utilities, independent power producers, and renewable energy are excluded from the energy category.
(4) Executive Remuneration
Remuneration of Directors and Corporate Executive Officers consists of Base remuneration, Stock-linked remuneration and Performance-linked remuneration, and determined at the Compensation Committee.
The Company refers to KPIs, which are set as the Group numerical goals in the Medium-Term Management Plan "Passion for the Best" 2026 to calculate Performance-linked remuneration. These KPIs include SDGs bond league table and a GHG emissions target.
The performance assessments used in calculating Performance-linked remuneration reflect the financial performance evaluation, which is based on the Performance KPIs using the financial information and the quality evaluation, which is a comprehensive assessment of the KPIs other than the Performance KPI. The Financial Performance Evaluation and the Quality Evaluation are determined by the Compensation Committee.
Performance-linked remuneration is calculated by multiplying the reference amount determined for each position by the performance evaluation, and reflecting the degree of individual contribution. The same calculation formula is applied to all positions for performance evaluation.
Evaluation System for Performance-linked Remuneration
- *1Daiwa Securities GHG emissions is the total of Scope1 and Scope2. GHG emissions for our investment financing portfolio indicates project financing in the electricity sector. Includes some estimated figures.
- *2The benchmark values are determined by the Compensation Committee based on the target values of the medium-term management plan.
Payment Ratios of Different Types of Compensation
- *The above figures represent the percentages when the performance KPIs of the medium-term management plan are achieved.