Regulatory Liquidity

Consolidated Liquidity Coverage Ratio

The consolidated liquidity coverage ratio (Daily average (Jan, 2024 - Mar, 2024)) was 135.2%.

  • * Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

(Unit: 100 Million Yen)

  Daily average
(Apr, 2023 -
Jun, 2023)
Daily average
(Jul, 2023 -
Sep, 2023)
Daily average
(Oct, 2023 -
Dec, 2023)
Daily average
(Jan, 2024 -
Mar, 2024)
High Quality Liquid Assets (A) 27,291 29,335 29,304 28,862
Cash Outflows (B) 40,086 42,641 42,213 43,809
Cash Inflows (C) 19,315 20,212 19,922 22,465
Consolidated Liquidity Coverage Ratio          
High Quality Liquid Assets (D) 27,291 29,335 29,304 28,862
Net Cash Outflows (E) 20,770 22,429 22,290 21,344
Consolidated Liquidity Coverage Ratio (D)/(E) 131.3% 130.7% 131.4% 135.2%

Consolidated Net Stable Funding Ratio

The consolidated net stable funding ratio as of Mar 31, 2024 was 141.5%.

  • * Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

(Unit: 100 Million Yen)

  Jun 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Dec 31, 2023 Mar 31, 2024
Total Available Stable Funding (A) 91,703 98,004 97,902 93,288
Total Required Stable Funding (B) 63,239 65,832 63,110 65,918
Consolidated Net Stable Funding Ratio (A)/(B) 145.0% 148.8% 155.1% 141.5%

Situation of Soundness in Liquidity Management