Regulatory Capital

Consolidated Capital Adequacy Ratio

The consolidated total capital ratio as of Mar 31, 2024 was 21.58%.

  • * Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

(Unit: 100 Million Yen)

  Jun 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Dec 31, 2023 Mar 31, 2024
Total Qualifying Capital (D)=(A)+(B)+(C) 14,955 15,020 14,989 15,298
Common Equity Tier 1 (A) 13,053 13,080 12,999 13,311
Additional Tier 1 (B) 1,864 1,878 1,897 1,896
Tier 2 Capital (C) 37 62 93 90
Total Risk-Weighted Assets (E) 69,315 67,899 66,918 70,874
Credit Risk 45,681 45,734 45,022 46,919
Market Risk *1 13,047 11,112 10,843 12,122
Operational Risk *1 10,586 11,051 11,051 11,832
Consolidated Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio (A)/(E) 18.83% 19.26% 19.42% 18.78%
Consolidated Tier 1 Capital Ratio ((A)+(B))/(E) 21.52% 22.03% 22.26% 21.45%
Consolidated Total Capital Ratio *2 (D)/(E) 21.57% 22.12% 22.40% 21.58%
  1. *1Market and Operational Risk hereunder is computed by multiplying each risk amount by 12.5 (the Reciprocal of 8%).
  2. *2Consolidated Capital Adequacy Ratio hereunder is calculated under the principal of Financial Service Agency Public Notice 130 of the Financial Instruments and the Exchange Act (Article 57-17-1).

Consolidated Leverage Ratio

The consolidated leverage ratio as of Mar 31, 2024 was 6.21%.

  • * Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

(Unit: 100 Million Yen)

  Jun 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Dec 31, 2023 Mar 31, 2024
Tier 1 Capital (A) 14,918 14,958 14,896 15,208
Total Exposures (B)=(C)+(D)+(E)+(F) 260,771 272,689 244,394 244,617
On-Balance Sheet Exposures (C) 150,655 155,963 125,315 130,516
Derivative Exposures (D) 21,729 22,700 16,373 18,079
Securities Financing Transaction Exposures (E) 87,313 92,856 101,573 94,843
Other Off-Balance Sheet Exposures (F) 1,073 1,169 1,132 1,177
Consolidated Leverage Ratio (A)/(B) 5.72% 5.48% 6.09% 6.21%

Situation of Soundness in Management